Mexican American Bar Association
The Mexican American Bar Association is one of the most prominent and largest Latino bar associations in the nation. They are a volunteer entity with their success resting on the commitment of members and supporters. Members include: attorneys, judges, elected officials, law school students and business people of many ethnic backgrounds.

Los Angeles County Bar Association
The Los Angeles County Bar Association has been making a difference in the professional lives of lawyers, and in the lives of the people of Los Angeles County, for over 125 years. With more than 25,000 members, over 100 committees and sections, and a score of public service projects.
Hispanic National Bar Association
The Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA) represents over 100,000 Hispanic legal professionals in the U.S. and its territories. Since its founding three decades ago, the HNBA has driven positive change in the legal profession by encouraging Latino students to pursue law careers and supporting their advancement. Through advocacy, programs, networking events, and educational conferences, the HNBA has helped generations of Hispanic lawyers succeed.
L.A. Latino Judicial Officer’s Association
The Judicial Applicant Support Committee (JAS) of the Los Angeles Latino Judicial Officers’ Association (LJOA) is dedicated to promoting judicial diversity within the Los Angeles Superior Court (LASC) by educating, assisting, and mentoring interested Latinx candidates through the judicial appointment process.