Thank you for your interest; we are glad you asked! LLBA’s volunteer opportunities are open to all current LLBA members. Our short-term volunteer opportunities include helping with registration or setup, serving as a sponsor or host of an event, participating as a speaker in our Latinas in the Legal Profession series, and many more. We also welcome your involvement long-term as a member of a subcommittee or on the Board of Directors.
Whether you are a law student or a seasoned lawyer, we invite you to contribute your time and talents to LLBA. Please contact the LLBA President at [email protected] for more information on how you can become more involved in LLBA. We look forward to working with you!
Please contact us so we can reconcile the accounts and accurately reflect your current membership status. Please provide us with your full name and, for identifying purposes, either the email address(es) or physical address(es) saved in the account profiles.
If you no longer have access to the email account saved in your account profile or otherwise cannot receive messages at that email address, please contact us and we can help update your member profile with a new email address. Please provide your full name, the new email address, and, for identifying purposes, either the email address or physical address saved in your account profile.
You can reset your password by clicking the “Forgot Password?” link on the LLBA login page. This will open the “Help with my account” page where you enter the email associated with your account to receive an email with a link and instructions to recover your password.
If you did not receive the password recovery email, please review the “spam,” “junk,” or other email folders and settings in your email account.
Thank you for your generous support! You will receive your mug and/or pin at the next LLBA event that you attend. Please contact us and let us know which event you plan to attend so that we can have your mug or pin ready.
For all other perks (e.g., eblast, discounted event tickets, special recognition at gala), please contact the LLBA Membership Chair at [email protected].
Go to the Member Login page and login to your account where you’ll be able to renew your membership.
Because membership is managed through our website, our website administrators typically approve the membership subscriptions and renewals about once a month. You should be approved very soon.
If you have any other questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.