
Please join us as we continue our series showcasing
the legal careers of two trailblazers:

The Road to Fulfillment is Often a Meandering One

Please join us to hear from two of our own, one with roots in Puerto Rico, who became Court Counsel for the Los Angeles Superior Court, and the other a Chicana with her feet firmly planted in East Los Angeles, who was a writer producer on the hit Hulu show “East Los High” and is currently writing a feature film for Odd Lot Entertainment. They will share their stories of being true to themselves as they searched for professional fulfillment.

Ivette Peña

Harvard Law School
Court Counsel for the Los Angeles Superior Court

Evangeline Ordaz

U.C. Berkeley School of Law
Screenwriter and Playwright

It is our goal at LLBA to create our own history by documenting the career trajectories of our members from the very first Latinas who integrated our law schools to those who are just entering our profession.

Please join us for some inspiration and perhaps some comic relief, as we share who we are and how we got here. We intend to digitally record our presentations so that we may preserve our unique contributions to the legal profession.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Taix French Restaurant, 1911 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90026

Registration: 6:00 – 6:30 p.m.

Program: 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Advance payment required to secure a seat
Space is limited for this .75 hour MCLE Elimination of Bias event

This event is sold out.

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